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70736 Fellbach, Germany

max. 500 posti a sedere, 650 posti in piedi
8.449,67 ft²
Catering interno
Partner tecnico fisso

The charm of the old brick buildings of the former foundry create an almost industrial-museum atmosphere in the entire event location - the perfect ambience for your event. The convertible event room and its conference lounge are suitable for events of all kinds - for product presentations and trade fairs, a congress or conferences, for an evening gala, but also for the company Christmas party, for an employee meeting, a milestone birthday, a party or your dream wedding.

There is room for 550 or 650 people in the event areas - as well as in the perfectly designed outdoor area. The GOLDBERG[WERK] is ideal as a business location or wedding venue. The eye-catcher of the more than 10-metre-high hall [WERK] 1 is an imposing "gold wall": it forms an impressive contrast to the brick walls and the facade of the building, but also creates a successful link to the Fellbach restaurant GOLDBERG.


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Assemblea generale annuale
Ballo di maturità
Concerto / Musical / Teatro
Evento PR & Marketing
Evento aziendale
Festa di Natale
Festival estivo
Fiera / Esposizione
Film e foto
Gala / Cerimonia di premiazione
Riunione / Congresso / Conferenza
Seminario e workshop
Servizio funebre

Sale (3)

Tutta la location
8.449,67 ft²
Su richiesta
[WERK] 1
6.296,89 ft²
Su richiesta
[WERK] 2
8.449,67 ft²
Su richiesta
Conference Lounge
968,75 ft²
Su richiesta


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Periodo affitto

Il periodo di affitto è negoziabile liberamente


Tecnologia dell'illuminazione
Sistema audio
Tecnologia video
Mixer / sistema DJ

Tecnologia di presentazione

Proiettore / Beamer
Schermo / Schermo
Leggio / Podio
Lavagna a fogli mobili / bacheca / lavagna bianca
Tecnologia di videoconferenza

Catering & Gastro

Prenotabile con il personale di servizio
Stoviglie prenotabili
Cucina disponibile
Collegamento all'acqua


Camion accessibile
Servizi igienici
Mobili prenotabili
Area backstage
Camerini degli artisti
Pista da ballo

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