Venues in the area
For an unforgettable party Bochum has a wide range of possibilities to celebrate it. No matter if it's a birthday party, an anniversary or individual events, you will definitely find the right venue that suits your ideas. In Bochum, there is a suitable party room for every occasion - whether a barn with a large dance floor, a studio or an event room with an outdoor area. The city in North Rhine-Westphalia is surrounded by different cities, which can be reached quickly from here. So you have the decision if you like to party at the outskirts of the city near Witten or Herne or if you like to party in the city center of Bochum.
Before you book an event space make a calculation of the guests you want to invite, so that the premises offer enough space for them. Also look at how the venue is connected for your guests coming by public transport or car and for parking facilities for the latter. Once you have found the venue that meets your requirements, you can proceed with the rest of the planning. How is the equipment with lighting and music system? What about the catering for your guests, do you want to book a catering service or do you want to take care of it yourself? If you consider all these points, nothing can stand in the way of the perfect party. offers a wide range of different spaces for your event. Whether you are looking for a party room, an off-venue or a venue for your wedding - on you will find the perfect venue with the precise filter options.