It for the next Christmas party, the upcoming business events or a private festivity. In Würzburg you will find the right venue for every event. In the city on the Main you will find a wide range of gastronomy, such as restaurants, cafés and numerous bars and lounges that you can rent. From a chic cocktail bar on the rooftop of a modern hotel, you can admire the city skyline and the Marienberg fortress particularly beautifully. For larger events, a bar with a bartender or a cocktail service can also be rented.
When booking a bar or lounge you should consider some points: Depending on the event, the venue should offer enough space for your guests. Rent your favorite bar early, because popular event spaces are booked out quickly. Also the equipment should be coordinated with your event. Do you need a dance floor, special lighting equipment or a music system in addition to the bar? The venue should also be as easy to reach as possible by public transport, so that you can toast the event with your guests. If you need more information or help with planning, you can consult the venue operators. offers a large selection of different event spaces in Würzburg for every occasion: Whether a stylish lounge in the district Kettwig a bar in the Westviertel or a club in the Old Town 10 or 1,000 guests - on you will find venues that are perfectly tailored to your needs thanks to precise filter options.