Venues in the area
Whether for the semester opening, the next birthday or just because - venues for parties in Graz are available for every occasion. If you want to organize an exclusive dinner party, you can rent a chic restaurant in the center of Graz and toast to your Master's degree with your extended family. Clubs and bars also provide venues where you can e.g. celebrate the end of the semester and dance the night away, with your cohort near your university or university of applied sciences, or you can exchange stories about the last weeks with friends at a cozy get-together with a spritzer and beer next to the Mur River. Even if you prefer to celebrate in a self-catered party space, that's possible in the Styrian city, and it doesn't matter how you want that celebration to go. The offer is so diverse that you will definitely find the perfect party venue in Graz.
Before you start looking for a venue for your party in Graz, you should think about a few points: What do you want your party to look like, and how many guests do you plan to invite? The type and size of the venue will depend on this question. If you wish to have musical accompaniment, you can hire a band or a DJ, making sure that there is enough space or even a stage available, the same goes for the dance floor. If drinks are to be consumed, your party venue should be located in such a way that your guests can find their way home by night bus. Think about these points in advance and you will be able to enjoy your Graz party night in peace. offers a wide range of different event venues in Graz for every occasion: whether cozy student bar, hip club for dancing or a dinner party in a chic restaurant with a view of the Mur, whether 10 or 1000 guests – on you will find venues perfectly tailored to your wishes and needs thanks to exact filter options.