No matter if you want to rent a bar or a lounge for your upcoming Christmas party, birthday party or another business or private celebration, e.g. with your family - in Augsburg you are guaranteed to find the right venue including, for example, delicious cocktails or a candy bar. In the center of Augsburg you will not only find a wide range of restaurants and cafés, but also numerous bars that are perfect for your celebration as an event space. For example, you can rent a lounge in a stylish club in the university quarter of the city. In the Augsburg area, there is an event loft with a bar, bartender and a cocktail service for larger events such as corporate events. On the banks of the river Lech there are also other lounges and bars that you can rent, whatever the occasion.
In order to find the perfect bar for you, you should consider a few points when planning. You should not disregard the size as well as the location of the bar. On the one hand, it is important that your guests have enough space to dance and on the other hand, the guests should be able to reach the bar easily by public transport, so that they can drink a glass or two of champagne with you with a clear conscience. Popular bars, especially in Augsburg's city centre, are always booked up early, which is why you should look for a suitable venue as soon as possible and make a final decision as soon as possible. According to the target groups you should also choose the venue. The necessary technical equipment, such as lighting and a functioning music system should be available, so that your guests and you can properly shake a leg. If you include these points in your planning, you can be sure that your event will be a complete success! offers a wide range of different event spaces in Augsburg and worldwide for every occasion. No matter if weddings, conferences, company parties or private celebrations: Whether party room in the old town of Augsburg, ballroom in Nuremberg, lounge in the southwest of Bavaria or modern café in the city center of Augsburg, 10 or 1,000 guests - on you will find venues that are perfectly tailored to your needs as well as further information thanks to precise filter options.